Emma McBurney

Emma McBurney

“I think the facilities are fantastic, I really enjoy working in the salon, it’s a great set up. Its really good that we have many couches so we can facilitate multiple clients at once. The college facilities in general are very useful- I would use the Learning Recourse Centre quite regularly to help me with my assignments, and would get my lunch in the College Kitchen, it’s really good as well.”

“I’ve really enjoyed my experience so far, and I think the college and course is great. Two of my favourite parts of the course have been massages and also my lecturer Lynn - she’s been great and has made the course really enjoyable and easier for me. You can talk to her about any issues or problems you are facing and she will help you through it.”

“After completing my Level 3 course, I hope to advance to the Higher Education course- Level 4 Micropigmentation. I want to enhance my skillset and knowledge as much as possible as I hope to open my own business, and having that variety of services available will be really beneficial to the business and my potential clients.”

“I would recommend SERC to anyone, it’s been brilliant.  Coming here was probably the best decision I made, everyone has been so helpful and great, especially on this course, I’ve really loved my time studying Beauty Therapy at SERC and turning something I enjoy into a potential career.”