Barney Mullan

Barney Mullan

“When I discovered the Creative Media course I spoke to my dad about it, and he encouraged me to do it.   The best thing is that I am still able to keep my hand in with the joinery at home and over the holidays.”  

“I did the Level 2 in Creative Media Production and Technology which gave me a great foundation for the Level 3, both at SERC Downpatrick Campus. We have state of the art facilities at college, and from day one on the course we are encouraged to work as professionals, preparing for work in the industry.   A lot of work is project-based, so we are given tasks which replicate the kind of jobs you could expect to do, such as recording an advertisement for radio, a video to raise awareness about some issue, a website, photography, or an information poster."

“I really enjoy the project work, particularly planning, filming, recording, and editing to produce something that is broadcast-ready.  For my end of year project, I produced a video on the benefits of physical fitness for young people, which is a typical piece of work you might have to produce for the course.” 

“Being at college is a bit more relaxed, but you are expected to get on with the work and develop, not just your knowledge of your course area, but your communication, presentation, and teamwork skills, which are important in the course and for the future."

“The tutors are fantastic and very supportive - if you have a problem, you just ask for help.   There is also great camaraderie in the class and, because we often work in teams, you get to know everyone really quickly." 

“If you are interested in any aspect of media, then I would encourage you to consider the course. I have learnt so much since I came to SERC and hope to progress to an HND or a degree, which will develop my filming and editing skills.”