Concessionary - Student Finance

You may be eligible for a reduced tuition fee rate for your course at SERC. For more information see our Concessionary bands below or contact our Customer Services team on 0345 600 7555 or email

Student Finance Banner

Terms and Conditions

  • Concessions are only applicable to tuition fees of part time accredited courses.
  • Concessions are not applicable to examination or other costs included in the overall course fee. Non-Accredited courses are not entitled to concessions.
  • Concessions are made available by the College to individual self-paying students. Organisations and employers who sponsor students are not entitled to concessions.
  • Where a student qualifies for more than one concession, the highest value concession only will be applied.
  • The College reserves the right to change or withhold concessions.
  • Concessionary fees do not apply to all courses. Please contact our customer service team on 0345 600 7555 or email for details on whether concessionary fees are available for your chosen course.
  • You will be required to bring current evidence of your benefit with you at enrolment. If you do not have an up to date copy of your evidence of benefit you can download the Evidence of Benefit Form and have it completed by the relevant Social Security or NI Housing Executive Office.

Concessionary bands

Type Description Evidence required at time of enrolment Concessionary discount*
Concession 1 Aged 60 or over at the time of enrolment Date of birth on enrolment form 25%
Concession 2


Aged 16 but under 19 on 1st July 2024 and in receipt of (or dependent on spouse/partner/parent/guardian) – see list (1-6) below


Aged 19 or over on 1st July 2024 and in receipt of (or dependent on spouse/partner) in receipt of:

The following evidence should confirm current entitlements (Evidence must be provided for inspection and photocopying, and be applicable, at the time of enrolment otherwise full course fees will be charged):

  1. 1. Guaranteed Pension Credit
  2. 2. Rate Relief
  3. 3. Working Tax Credit
  4. 4. Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  5. 5. Income Support
  6. 6. Universal Credit
  7. 7. Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance

  1. 1. Current Social Security Agency Letter
  2. 2. Current Award Letter from NIHE/Land and Property Services (must show evidence of low income)
  3. 3. Full Current HM Revenue & Customs Award Notice (TC602) stating Working Tax Credit and household income of £15,276 or below
  4. 4. Current Social Security Agency Letter (must state income based)
  5. 5. Current Social Security Agency Letter
  6. 6. Full current Universal Credit Award notice stating household income of £15,276 or below’
  7. 7. Current Social Security Agency Letter (must state income based)
Concession 3

Right to Time Off for Study or Training

Aged 16 – 18 on 1st July 2024, in employment and has not attained a Level 2 qualification.

Letter from current employer to confirm employment status and level of existing qualification 100%

Up front Payment Discount (payment in full at enrolment)

Self paying students with course fee greater than £300


* Fee reduction applies to tuition fee element only.