Support For Carers

Are you a student carer?

If you provide or intend to provide substantial care for a family member or friend on a regular basis who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, has a long-term illness or a substance misuse problem, you are legally defined as a Carer.

We feel it is important that Student Carers studying at SERC are supported throughout their course. We understand that Student Carers face many barriers to full engagement in college life and learning and we want to help them overcome these to achieve their best result from their time with us.

We are committed to being as accessible and inclusive as possible.

At SERC we can offer help, information, support, and advice.

We understand Student Carers may need:

  • Time out to call home
  • Extra time to complete assignments
  • Information about their rights
  • Information about welfare services

This support is available to carers of all ages.

You can identify as a Student Carer before you start your course. Look out for the option when using the online enrolment system. Alternatively you can email the Student Carer Co-ordinator, Marie Jameson: at any stage and we will work with you individually to develop your Carers Learning Support Plan.

"Through the SERC Student Carers Support services, I have been able to access advice on options for financial support and information through the dedicated Student Carers Teams site. There is also a check in from Carers Support just to see how I am doing.

Don’t feel like you are alone in your carer’s role or underestimate how hard it is as a student carer. If you are having any issues with your studies, just ask for help – from your tutor or the student carers team. Being a student is hard enough without the pressures of caring for a loved one on top of that. Just be open and honest and remember you’re certainly not alone.”

Student Commented 2021

“Having a Student Carer Card at SERC recognises the additional challenges I face daily. It removes the stress of having to explain when I need to step out of class to take a call relating to my mother’s care, arrive in late or need to rush home early."

SERC Student 2021