Fee Waiver & Refund Requests

Fee Waivers and Refund Requests - Terms and Conditions

The College Policy is that fees are not waived nor refundable except in the following exceptional circumstances:

  1. A course/class is cancelled by the College; where cancellation of a course takes place, students will be offered either a place on a suitable alternative course or a full refund/fee waiver.
  2. If the time, day, evening or location of the class has been changed by the College and the student is unable to continue attending because of these changes.
  3. A student does not attend the course of study and informs the College more than five working days prior to the commencement of the course. Any student who fails to notify the College at least 5 working days before the course commences, but prior to the course commencement, shall be liable for a £20 administration fee.
  4. Other fee waiver or refund applications shall be considered only in exceptional circumstances by the Financial Controller. Any case for exceptional circumstances to be considered must be supported by appropriate evidence. This will include situations where the student did not attend the course of study but only informed the College after the course commenced. Any approved fee waiver or refund will be subject to a £20 administration fee.

If a fee waiver/refund applicant has attended one or more classes then no reduction in fee (waiver) nor refund may be given, except in circumstance 4 above. Where a refund has been refused it may be possible to transfer the tuition fee paid to another programme in the current academic year. Registration, examination and validation fees will only be waived or refunded if the amount is requested before the fee has been forwarded to the external body.

How to request a Fee Waiver / Refund Request

For circumstances 1 and 2 above no request is required. You will automatically be contacted by the College to discuss alternative options or a refund will be issued.

For circumstances 3 and 4 a Fee Waiver/Refund Request form must be completed. This form is also available in a pre-printed format from Customer Services. Under circumstance 4 supporting evidence must be submitted along with your request. If you do not submit evidence your request will not be considered.

Download Fee Waiver / Refund Request Form
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In the event that a fee waiver/refund applicant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their application they may lodge an appeal, in writing, within 10 working days of the receipt of the outcome letter. Applicants cannot appeal a Fee Waiver/Refund decision on the same issue unless there is new evidence or other grounds to do so.