
We pride ourselves in our collaborative approach and we work with a range of external stakeholders to ensure that we bring the very best services to our local community.


We nurture relationships with stakeholders and are open to new partnerships. We work with a range of partners including businesses, community groups, schools, universities and we work with others within the FE sector, among other external stakeholders.

Business Partnerships

We work closely with businesses to ensure that we keep our curriculum closely aligned with industry needs.

We provide a range of support services for businesses, all designed to Get Results. Services include Off-The-Shelf and Bespoke Training, Online Learning, R&D Services, Technical Mentoring, Access to Funding and Student Projects and Placements.

A wide range of clients such as Royal Mail, Bombardier, BT, Denroy, Canyon and Nitronica have used our services.

We have helped these businesses Get Results such as improving their quality, developing new products, entering new markets and generally become more innovative and profitable businesses.

School Partnership

SERC works in collaboration with over 20 schools in the South East Region to deliver professional and technical courses as part of the Entitlement Framework. The Entitlement Framework, which became statutory on 1st September 2015, is an integral part of the revised curriculum at KS4 and Post 16 and aims:

“to guarantee all post primary pupils aged 14 and above greater choice and flexibility by providing them with access to a wide range of learning opportunities suited to their needs, aptitudes, and interests, irrespective of where they live or the school they attend.”

SERC has been extremely successful in improving educational outcomes for disaffected pupils at KS4, as well as developing applied, work-related provision at post 16, particularly in STEM subjects, to enable sixth form pupils to progress to higher education at university or in the Further Education sector. As part of the Entitlement Framework collaboration with schools, SERC also works closely with careers teachers in schools, to raise the awareness with pupils and parents, of the career-enhancing opportunities available through progression to SERC, at the ages of 16, 17, 18 and beyond.

If you work for a school and would like to partner with us please contact Richard Armstrong, Head of School Partnerships, at

Community Partnership

We take our role within our local communities very seriously and we work with many partners to ensure that everyone has access to the very best quality education.

We provide a wide range of courses for adults in the community. We work with many community and statutory organisations to deliver courses in community centres, schools, halls and clubs.

In addition to this, SERC participates as a partner on three Strategic Community Planning Partnerships; Lisburn & Castlereagh, Ards and North Down, and Newry, Mourne and Down. SERC has voluntarily signed up as a partner as we believe collaborative working with other statutory, community and voluntary organisations is the best way to achieve meaningful improvements in the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the community we serve.

Put simply community planning is everyone working together to make life better for local people. It means planning ahead to improve the big issues that matter to people like health, education, employment, safety and the environment.

Education is for everyone, no matter what age you are. Education can help you enhance your quality of life or, gain important qualifications and skills to improve your career prospects. Everyone needs to improve their skills throughout life so that they can obtain work, earn more, change jobs, or achieve promotion.

Some people missed out at school, but can improve their prospects by gaining new skills now. We see community planning and our work with partners as key to supporting people to restart their education, gain new skills or enhance their current skills.

We develop and run careers clinics and information events with local community organisations specifically for people who would like to gain new skills or to improve their English and maths to help their children with their homework .

If you would like more information about linking with SERC, running an engagement event or careers clinic with us or developing a taster session for your group, please contact our Careers Team on or our Community Engagement Team on