Public Information

We publish a range of information that is available to the public as part of our commitment to openness and transparency.

College Development Plan

College Development Plan

The purpose of South Eastern Regional College (SERC) and the further education (FE) sector is to strengthen and enhance the skills profile of Northern Ireland by addressing the skills deficit and so underpinning the creation of a successful regional economy.

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Policies and Procedures

SERC Strategy

As we look forward to 2030, we must maintain the quality of our provision, deliver a curriculum that meets industry needs, deliver value for money and continue to listen and influence

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Sector Corporate Plan 2018-2021

Sector Corporate Plan 2018-2021

This Corporate Plan 2018-2021, which has been updated each year, represents a collaborative first for the six Northern Ireland Colleges of Further Education. As we move through the period 2020- 2021 Covid-19 has completely transformed the way we are living, working and studying. Our plans for the year are also being transformed.

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Image of waves

Student Mental Health Strategy

SERC is committed to providing an inclusive, supportive learner experience that promotes positive mental health, well-being and resilience and equips our students with the skills they need to reach their full academic and personal potential.

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