Donal Moran

Donal Moran

“I wasn’t ready for university and didn't complete the course.  From there I went to work in a call centre and then secured a post as a science technician in a school and then progressed to my current position as a Chemistry Technician at Queen’s University Belfast. The role involves working with post graduate PhD students, analysing samples and project work."

“I have always had a passion for science, and a few years ago I did look at coming back to do something part-time, but I couldn’t find anything chemistry focussed.   I ended up doing a HND in Photography which was another interest of mine, but I was still motivated to find something that would fit with work and home life – I am married, and my wife and I have a daughter at primary school – so part-time study would suit me best."   

“After some research, I discovered the HNC Applied Sciences at SERC.  When I looked further into the course, I found that it included some chemistry modules, so I applied and started this year.  The course is my first step to hopefully progressing towards a HND or degree, which in turn will give me more opportunities to progress my career. My employer, QUB, are incredibly supportive of everyone progressing their qualifications, so I was encouraged to apply.  I work four days a week and attend SERC every Wednesday from 9am – to 5pm.   It was easy to settle into the course - there is a mix of age groups and personalities in the class, but everyone is great."

“I would encourage anyone interested in returning to education to find out what is available, especially if you are interested in doing a higher-level course.   There are different routes to take you where you want to be. The course is full-on, but then again, it is higher education. It’s great if you can combine part-time study with employment, like I have been able to, so find out what you can do and take that first step.”