Student Support Fund

The College offers a Student Support Fund for students who are experiencing exceptional financial hardship. Students must be 18 or over at time of applying and have explored all other sources of funding before applying.

The Student Support Fund can assist both Further & Higher Education students studying on a full or part-time basis. Assistance is available for Tuition Fees, living costs (full time only), books/materials etc, travel costs & childcare.

Hardship Fund

When to Apply

You must be enrolled before applying for the Student Support Fund. An email with the link to the online application form will be send to all enrolled students in September. Applications must be submitted online. Students will be notified of the outcome of their application, via email, within 6 weeks of receipt of their completed application.


Students are required to maintain an attendance level of 80% or above. Payments will be made retrospectively and based on attendance. Student will receive up to 5 payments for travel and/or living costs throughout the academic year.
Childcare payments will be made directly to the Registered Childcare Provider and based on the students level of attendance. Payments will be issued monthly and in arrears upon submission of invoices from the Childcare Provider.