SERC works closely with employers to develop tailored training for your staff, that is delivered at a time and location to suit a business.
Our Business Services team will meet with you to review your business training needs and discuss with you, in detail, the range of course options, assessment plans and delivery models available.
The team will provide guidance on the range of training programmes and funding support programmes that your business qualifies for.
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Skills Focus
Skills Focus aims to support, promote and facilitate collaborative working between business and FE colleges, in order to provide tailored skills provision to small to medium enterprises with fewer than 250 employees.
The purpose of Skills Focus is to meet business needs by increasing the skills levels and employability of the existing workforce to qualification level 2 and above.
Commercial Bespoke
We are happy to discuss any training needs that your business may have that falls outside our funding remit. Please contact the Business Services team at SERC to find out more:
Green Energy
South Eastern Regional College (SERC) is excited to provide a series of Green Technology programmes which are aimed at those in the energy and renewable sector who are looking to Upskill, Reskill & Innovate.
Further information on courses can be found by contacting Kelly Donnelly via email or by calling 07866 146 618.
Explore ProgrammesSkills Focus & InnovateUS

SERC has partnered with Forth Valley to offer nationally recognised courses in electrical safety from a wide range of industry accredited bodies including CompEx and City and Guilds.
Explore CompEx
You need to upskill your existing employees and attract talented new staff.
- We have vast experience of working across all sectors
- We have highly skilled professional and technical staff
- We have state of the art industry standard equipment
- 98% of our customers are satisfied or very satisfied with the support we have provided
- We are the Northern Ireland Further Education hub for Construction and Engineering Skills
- ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation on a number of our Industry Standard courses
- We have access to a number of funded programmes to help support business
View our Business Services course listing. Clicking on a course will redirect you to the latest course description and allow you to apply online.
Course Listing