Student Enrolments



As a Data Controller, SERC (“the College”) recognises and respects the importance of your privacy and is committed to treating your personal information responsibly and in compliance with all relevant data protection legislation.

The information you provide on this form will be processed in order to administer your studies, to deliver your programme and to monitor your performance and attendance. We also use your information to manage recruitment, admission, registration, enrolment, study, examination and graduation.

Your information will also be used to provide you with College facilities and services, to provide you with support and to process any payments made to you. We may also use your information to conduct research and surveys to identify ways to enhance learning, teaching, assessment and the broader student experience.

The College Data Protection Officer is Sian Harvey.


Lawful Basis

The College is permitted to process personal data where there is a lawful basis to do so. In relation to the information provided on this form, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) ‘lawful basis’ for our processing will be the following:

  • Article 6.1 (a) - the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes e.g. consent to contact next of kin, direct marketing.
  • Article 6.1 (b) – The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or with a view to entering into a contract e.g. students sign Terms and Conditions when enrolling on a programme of study.
  • Article 6.1 (c) - processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. e.g. Disability Discrimination Act (1995), Equality Legislation, The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007.
  • Article 6.1 (e) - processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. e.g. on behalf of the Department for the Economy (DfE), our role is provide you with quality education.


Special Category Data

We are also required to collect, process and maintain special category data. Our lawful basis for processing this information is mainly:

  • Article 9.2(g) - processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, on the basis of Union or Member State law which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject;
  • Schedule 1(8) Data Protection Act (2018) - Equality of opportunity or treatment
  • Schedule 1(16) Data Protection Act (2018) - Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition
  • Schedule 1 (18) Data Protection Act (2018) - Safeguarding of children and of individuals at risk

Further information is available in the College Appropriate Policy Document.


Categories of Personal Data

Personal data and special category data captured to process your enrolment may include:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Contact details
  • Next of Kin
  • Religious Belief
  • Dependents
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marital Status
  • Employment Status
  • Political Opinion
  • Residency
  • Educational Background i.e. grades
  • Disabilities, learning difficulties, long term medical conditions
  • Criminal Convictions

The College will never ask for information we do not need to enrol you on your course.


Who will have access to my information, or who will you share it with?

Information may be passed between various sections of the College for operational reasons and may also be disclosed to external agencies to which we have obligations for example Government Agencies and associated Statutory Bodies (e.g. Department for the Economy, HMRC), FE Shared Services – Data Collection, Higher Education Statistics Agency, Funding Bodies, Government Survey & Research Organisations, UCAS, Student Loans Company, Education Authority, Learner Records Service, Crime Prevention Agencies, Employers who pay fees and/or allow you time off work to attend your course, Placement Providers, Examination Awarding Bodies, Social Welfare Organisations, Trade Unions, Careers Service, UKBA, Debt Recovery Agencies and potentially other such organisations for defined purposes. We may also disclose information to examining bodies, legal representatives.


For full details on our Privacy Notice and your Rights, please visit our website Customer Privacy Notice

For more information on our privacy notice for international students please view the International Department section.


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