Privacy Notice – Business Meeting Recordings



The scope of this Privacy Notice is limited to the duration of the FE Sector working ‘on-line’ during the Covid-19 pandemic.  This Privacy Notice will be reviewed once normal working practices resume.  

SERC may from time to time record meetings for limited purposes.  These purposes are limited to:

  • enable note takers to complete accurate records
  • enable meeting participants/non attendees to access the recording.

The following meetings should not be recorded:  

  • Staff/student disciplinary or grievance interviews
  • Exam boards discussing individual students in an identifiable way
  • Meetings with students unless students are in an official role such as student union representatives, Governing Body representatives.


We will never ask for information that is unnecessary to deliver this service. One of our responsibilities is to tell you about the different ways we collect and use your personal data. This Notice will give you further information about how your personal data will be used when business meetings are recorded by the College.

The Data Protection Officer for the College is Sian Harvey,  

The College’s registration reference number with ICO is Z6477199.


Lawful Basis

The College uses personal data through meeting recordings under the lawful basis of pursuing legitimate interests of the College and students/applicants.  

Article 6.1 (f)  

  • processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child e.g. it is in the interests of the College and staff to record business meetings for the benefit of staff not in the position to attend meetings and for minute takings.

The College will always make staff aware that a meeting is about to be recorded at the start of the session and refer the individuals to this privacy notice. If a staff member does not wish to be recorded they can mute their microphone and turn their webcam off.

All staff will be informed through College internal communications. This privacy notice is on the College’s website.


Categories of Personal Data  

During business meetings the following data may be recorded of staff:  

  • Images (in video recordings)
  • Voice
  • Name
  • Personal opinions
  • Actions taken or contributions made (e.g. audience participation and chat logs)


Who will have access to my information, or who will you share it with?

Recordings will be held on Microsoft 365 Online Storage with access controlled by the virtual meeting owner.

They will be kept until the minutes have been drafted and approved, it is then the responsibility of the note taker to destroy the recording.

The recordings will not be shared with anyone outside of the College unless required to do so by law.

If you are given access to the recordings who must not download or make a duplicate of it.  


Microsoft Privacy Notice:  

For full details on Data Protection and your Rights, please visit our website :