Privacy Notice – Lecture Capture



SERC seeks to provide the best learning experience for students and applicants.  Lecture capture is the live recording of a teaching session that can be used for further educational purposes.  The benefit of this lecture capture is improved accessibility and the creation of opportunity for students to review lectures/teaching multiple times.  We will never ask for information that is unnecessary to deliver this service. One of our responsibilities is to tell you about the different ways we collect and use your personal data. This Notice will give you further information about how your personal data will be used when lecture capture is used by the College.  

The Data Protection Officer for the College is Sian Harvey,

The College’s registration reference number with ICO is Z6477199.


Lawful Basis

The College uses personal data through lecture capture under the lawful basis of pursuing legitimate interests of the College and students/applicants.

Change to 6.1(e)

  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. It is in the interests of the College and students to record lectures/teaching/information sessions with students for the benefit of students not in the position to access lectures at the actual time of delivery.

Staff will always make students and applicants aware that a teaching or information session is about to be recorded at the start of the session and refer the individuals to this privacy notice.  The lecturer will decide at which point to commence/stop recording.

If a student or applicant wishes to opt out of a recording, they will be advised to inform the lecturer/event organiser at the start of the session. Students are advised they can mute microphones and cover/switch off cameras if they do not wish their personal data to be captured. Once a recording has started it will not be possible to opt out. If the recording is needed for assessment, recordings will only be available to the assessors or validators of the work.

All current students will be advised of this privacy notice via Email. This privacy notice is on the College’s website.


Categories of Personal Data  

During lecture capture the following data may be recorded of both lecturers and students:

  • Images (in video recordings)
  • Voice
  • Name
  • Personal opinions
  • Actions taken or contributions made (e.g. audience participation and chat logs)


Who will have access to my information, or who will you share it with?

Lectures or recordings will be made available to students via Microsoft Online Services.  The recorded lecture will be available to participants of the meeting, and may also share the recording with other students who were absent from, but eligible to view the recording.

Recordings may be shared with auditors, external parties where there is a lawful basis to do so.

If you are given access to the recordings who must not download or make a duplicate of it.

Microsoft Privacy Notice:

For full details on Data Protection and your Rights, please visit our website: