BNF Healthy Eating Week
0 min read
11 June 2018
The College is participating with the British Nutrition Foundation in their Healthy Eating week which is 11th - 15th June which is to encourage staff to focus on 5 challenges throughout the week:
Have a breakfast each day. Have 5 portions of fruit or vegetables each day Drink plenty of water Get Active Make a change.
To start the Healthy Eating Week there will be “FREE” Smoothies on a first come first served basis in the college restaurants on Monday 11 June 2018.
The first challenge of BNF Healthy Eating Week is to have a healthy breakfast every day, include a drink and at least one of your 5 A DAY!
Each day there will be Fresh Fruit Salad pots and Fresh Fruit available to buy.
Friday 11 June 2018 - Options for Healthy Fry and Porridge
Grilled or oven baked sausage and bacon, toasted bread, eggs and mushrooms and baked beans; and Porridge made with milk or water, sliced banana and drizzle of honey.
The second challenge of BNF Healthy Eating Week is to have at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day
The College restaurants will be promoting Healthy Eating by providing the normal salad/sandwich bar selection each day, baked potatoes with various fillings, fresh fruit and other healthy option hot food dishes.
The third challenge of BNF Healthy Eating Week is to have at least 6-8 unsweetened drinks a day – water is a great choice water dispensers are available on all campuses.
The fourth challenge of BNF Healthy Eating Week is to get active every day - move more!
May was national walking month, why not keep your walking going. Bike week is from 9th to 17th June and this encourages you to grab your helmet, gather up your friend and family, and (re)discover how much enjoyment and enrichment cycling can bring.
The College operates the Cycle to Work Scheme through Cyclescheme, whereby employees can sacrifice (give up) part of their salary and in return the College purchases a bicycle and/or safety equipment up to the value of £1000 and leases it to the employee over a 12 month period, tax free.
Click Here to hear the benefits from Kieran McKenna who purchased through the scheme
The final challenge for BNF Healthy Eating Week is to set a goal to make a positive lifestyle change that lasts. Why not consider the ingredients you use to make meals and try making healthier options, come along to the cookery demonstration as listed below to see how to make a healthy Spaghetti Bolognaise. You will get a small sample to taste and there will be portions available to buy on the day in that particular campus.
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