SERC on board for Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme
0 min read
16 November 2022

SERC has joined the Public Health Agency’s (PHA) Breast Feeding Welcome Here Scheme across all campuses.
The initiative, which aims to provide supportive environments for breastfeeding mothers, was brought to the attention of the College’s Students’ Union, by a mature student from the Newcastle Campus. Rochelle Mcauley, an adult returner on the Access Level 3 Diploma in Foundation Studies, said, “It seemed obvious to me that the College would be interested in the scheme, so I contacted the Students’ Union and suggested the college might get involved. I am delighted they felt the same way, and the scheme is now being rolled out across campuses."
Rochelle, the mother of two boys and a Breast Feeding Friend (BFF), volunteers within the South Eastern HSC Trust’s Breastfeeding Peer Support Service added, “We have so many people coming into the college for open days or events, popping in for a coffee or a meeting. I think it is really important that they see the signs and that breastfeeding is accepted as something natural and wonderful, and welcome in the College which is an important part of the wider community."
Heather McKee, Director of Strategic Planning, Quality and Support at SERC said, “The college welcomes thousands of adults and adult returners each year and actively works to alleviate barriers and obstacles to education. Being part of the Breast Feeding Welcome Scheme provides another incentive back to learning for those mothers who wish to breastfeed and perfectly complements our Little SERC creche facilities at Newcastle Campus.”
Dr Hannah Dearie, Senior Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Officer with PHA, said, “Breastfeeding women have the right to feed anywhere in public, and whilst it is very rare that women experience any open confrontation or critical comment about them breastfeeding in public, many perceive such objections and interpret certain behaviours as challenging, and so breastfeeding-friendly places provide that bit of extra support. The Breastfeeding Welcome Here Scheme is an initiative that aims to provide supportive environments for mothers to breastfeed when they’re out and about, particularly those who may feel reticent."
“Any business which is open to the general public is eligible to join the scheme. We are delighted to have SERC as a member and believe that this will support breastfeeding mothers to continue breastfeeding for longer.”
Jacqui Henning, Breastfeeding Project Lead, South Eastern HSC Trust said, “For new parents, taking a baby out in public for the first time is a big event. This can be made more difficult when a mum breastfeeds in public and finds opposition and criticism, which is very disparaging. Culturally we see more babies formula fed rather than breastfed, so a lack of awareness and empathy can cause stress and can be detrimental to a mother’s confidence. Seeing the scheme logo clearly on display is very welcoming to breastfeeding mothers."
“Signing up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Here Scheme is a testament to Rochelle’s enthusiasm and SERC’s desire to alleviate barriers to education.”
For more information visit the www.breastfedbabies.orgwhich lists more than 800 cafes, restaurants, shops, council facilities, universities, tourist attractions and other public and private sector venues across Northern Ireland participating in the scheme.
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