International Men’s Health Day Events
0 min read
16 November 2022

The theme for 2022 is “Helping Men and Boys” and events and information are available to support men’s health and wellbeing on the Mind Yourself App - click here.
Health Assured
A short webinar on men’s mental health - to access, click here and use the following codes:
- Username: ukhealthcare
- Password: eap1
Transform your life with attitude, aptitude, and aviation
This event has been organised by Epoch Events, Global Dialogue Foundation and VOM360 on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 9:00am to 10:30am online.
Financial problems, unemployment, emotional distress/trauma, major life changes, long-term work stress, childhood sexual abuse or bullying victimization can all be major causes of depression and will be addressed in this session.
To book click here.
Men’s domestic violence awareness session
This session will cover the effort to ending the stigma of male victims of domestic abuse and will feature a walk in the shoes of male victims. This event will be held via MS teams on Thursday 17 November 2022 at 9:30am to 11:30am.
The Primary Care Training Hub have worked with Men Reaching Out Charity to coordinate this event. The content covered will include:
- Survivor(s) sharing their live experiences.
- Attendees will have the opportunity to “walk in the shoes” of a victim via a real-life case study extract
- Barriers to disclosure
- Spotting the signs
- Analysis of the latest research capturing the live experiences of over 1,400 men and what this tells us about men’s domestic violence, and its impact on victims' lives.
- Helplines and how to respond to and help male victims
To book, click here.
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Men’s Health Quiz
Test your general knowledge in the International Men’s Day quiz which has a variety of small prizes available. To enter email
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