Green Gown Virtual Awards Ceremony 24 March

0 min read

24 February 2021

SERC's Enterprise Team

The Green Gown Awards have announced that their awards ceremony will be held virtually on 24 March 2021, 4pm. South Eastern Regional College (SERC) is a Finalist at the prestigious awards which recognise educational institutions, both large and small, who have made a difference in sustainability. 

SERC, shortlisted for the Enterprise category, is the only Northern Ireland college of further education to reach the finals and faces competition from across the UK and Ireland from City of Glasgow College, Galway-Mayo Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Warwick.  

The Enterprise category, one of 12 for organisations, recognises the important role social enterprise, social media and sustainable enterprise can play in ensuring that education leavers can rise to the 21st century's economic, environmental and social challenges. Enterprise skills such as creativity, innovation, resilience, opportunity recognition and self-determination and entrepreneurial skills are crucial for new business generation.  

You can find out more about SERC's entry in the competition by clicking here.

Caption: Pictured L-R, Megan Rollins, Rachel Innes, Charlotte Buick, Natasha Lloyd, Lizzie Buick, Dearbhla Knight of SERC's Enterprise and Entrepreneurship team. Their work on a number of enterprise initiatives including development of student companies helped secure the College a Finalist place in the prestigious Green Gown Awards which recognise educational institutions from across the UK and Ireland who have made a difference in the area of sustainability. SERC is the only Northern Ireland college of further education to reach the finals.


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