Contribution Towards Costs of Staying Connected
0 min read
24 February 2021
Dear Full-time Student,
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we work and learn significantly in the last year. Online connectivity has been essential in continuing College delivery and your studies. In recognition of the logistics and costs involved in online learning, the College would like to make a £60 contribution towards your costs of staying connected with your studies. Each full time student (Further Education, Higher Education, Training for Success, Apprenticeship NI, or Higher Level Apprenticeship), who was still attending their course in January 2021, will receive a payment into their bank account in the coming weeks. The College’s finance department will shortly contact you via your SERC email account to ask for your bank details – please reply as soon as you can as this will allow the payment to be made as promptly as possible.
Thank you for your continuing engagement during this difficult time.
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