Careers Service Information
0 min read
23 March 2020
Remote learning is now underway across SERC’s curriculum and corporate departments.
With everything changing at pace, and many people thinking about what comes next – whether applying for further study, apprenticeships or employment - it can be a confusing time, even without the worries and restrictions brought on by COVID-19. This is to be expected and you are not be alone. Here are some things that you can do to help manage the uncertainty:
Talk to us: SERC Careers Service remains open as a remote service. We will be monitoring our phones and emails closely during usual business hours (Monday-Thursday 8.45am-5.00pm and Friday 8.45am-3.30pm) – please get in touch and don’t be shy about contacting us directly! Please note our service is available to prospective and current SERC students, as well as the local community. Our contact details are:
SERC Students - Keep an eye on your inbox as this will be our main way of keeping you up to date. We hope to be able to move some of our usual in-class support online over the coming weeks and your student email will be the main platform for sharing this.
SERC Students who have applied through UCAS – please check your college email for further guidance and information.
Keep looking ahead: While it’s easy to lose sight of the future when the present is so unclear, we urge you not to lose track of your plans where possible. Keep in touch and we will help you to plan, prepare, research and apply. If you were thinking of applying for a course starting in September 2020, continue to do so. This will help admissions staff and tutors communicate with you. If you were thinking of applying for work or apprenticeships after your course ends, continue to prepare.
We’ll keep you up to date and keep our communication lines open. We hope that you will keep in touch.
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