Autism Acceptance Week 2023

0 min read

22 March 2023

Hands holding a jigsaw puzzle coloured in various colours associated with autism awareness such as yellow, blue, red and green

Come along and check out our exciting 'In Touch with Autism' pop up event on the 27th of March,11:30am to 2pm, outside SERC Bangor Campus’ ground floor canteen to mark Autism Acceptance Week 2023, a week of raising awareness, sharing information and discussing topics around Autism.

The stand has something for everyone. 

Information and resources covering topics including:

  • What is Autism?
  • How to Pursue a Diagnosis
  • Information on Self-Care for Autistic Adults
  • Information for Tutors/LSA’s on Different Ways to Support Autistic Students

FindHelpNI will be joining us to talk about their exciting online resources.

uHub's Rory will be there to tell students and SERC staff what is available at the Recharge Room - a quiet space with a soothing atmosphere which provides students with somewhere to recharge and refocus. It also provides opportunities for students to meet, socialise and take part in activities that will continually enrich their experience at SERC.

Opportunities for Neurotypicals to explore some of the sensory regulations difficulties Autistic Students face daily.

uHub's Amanda and Nichola from the 'In touch with Autism' project will be available to chat and answer questions.


Where? SERC Bangor Campus, Quiet area beside ground floor College Kitchen.

When? Monday 27th March at 11.30am - 2pm

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