Ask a Librarian New Service from the LRC Team

0 min read

09 September 2021

Book cases in Learning Resource Centres

SERC’s Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) are delighted announce the launch of a new service – Ask a Librarian.  

For this new academic year, the LRC team have developed an additional remote service to help students who are not on campus but who still needed answers to queries that they would usually get answered by the LRC team.  

Ask a Librarian is a remote access tool that can be used on or off campus. It gives students and staff the opportunity to ask any LRC related question without having to visit one of our LRCs by completing a short, simple online form.

Students and staff can ask any question 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and LRC staff will come back with an answer during office hours.   So if you have a burning question about particular books, e-books and e-resources, any resources relating to your area of study, or anything about the LRCs on any campus, the team would love to hear from you.  

Click here for a direct link to Ask a Librarian     

And you will also find links on the LRC section of the SERC intranet.  

We're looking forward to hearing from you.

LRC Team