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Search: Primary School Spanish 2 P4P7
Junior Chef School
Are you aged between 12 – 16 years old and have an interest in food, this course provides students with a great start for in a career in food and culinary arts.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn
Places Available
Beginners Spanish 1
This introductory course is designed to give you the skills you need to speak and understand basic Spanish in everyday contexts.
Part-Time Study
Beginners Spanish 2
This course continues to develop vocabulary learnt in the Beginners 1 course.
Part-Time Study
Places Available
Level 2 GCSE Spanish
This is an excellent course if you wish to develop your existing language skills and obtain a certificate that offers progression to A Level.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Other
Holiday Spanish
This leisure course is suitable for holiday-makers to deal with day-to-day situations at a basic level.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Lisburn
Places Available
OCN NI Level 4 Award in Modern Languages (Spanish)
This more advanced course aims to help you develop fluency and enable you to communicate freely in the Spanish language, understand more advanced grammatical structures whilst gaining a deeper understanding of Spanish culture. This course can be delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams and completing e-portfolios online.
Part-Time Study
Level 2 Award in Spanish 1
This is an excellent course for beginners who wish to acquire a basic knowledge of the language. Delivery of course can be remotely through Microsoft Teams and completing e-portfolios online.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Lisburn
Level 2 Certificate in Spanish 2
This course continues to develop vocabulary learnt in the OCN NI Spanish 1 course. This course can be delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams and completing e-portfolios online.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Lisburn
Places Available
Level 3 Award in Spanish 3
This course provides further enjoyment of language learning by building on your existing language skills.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick
Places Available
Level 3 Award in Spanish 5
This more advanced course will help you develop and consolidate your language skills. This course covers one unit of the Level 3 Award in Modern Languages (Spanish).
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Lisburn
Page 2
Level 3 Certificate in Spanish 6
This course is for those who have a reasonable knowledge of Spanish or have completed Spanish 5. It covers the Listening unit of the Level 3 qualification but will also cover Speaking, Reading and Writing practice with emphasis on Speaking throughout the course. This course can be delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams and completing e-portfolios online.
Part-Time Study
Level 3 Award in Spanish 7
This more advanced course will help you enhance your language skills at OCN NI Level 3.
Part-Time Study
Level 3 Certificate in Spanish 8
This more advanced course will help you enhance your language skills at OCN NI Level 3.
Part-Time Study
Spanish Tapas and Rioja
Experience the tastes of the trendy small, bite sized Spanish Tapas. Dishes will include; Tortilla, Pinchitos and Patatas Bravas to name but a few.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn
Places Available
Level 3 Award in Spanish 4
This intermediate course is suitable if you wish to develop and consolidate your language skills. This course can be delivered remotely through Microsoft Teams and completing e-portfolios online.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Lisburn
Places Available
Advanced Spanish
This course is for those who want to improve their Spanish beyond GCSE level but who do not wish to do a formal qualification.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick, Other
Artisan yeast breads
This course will allow you to experience the art of yeast breads, producing breads such as; Focaccia, Pan Di Mie and a selection of flavoured dinner rolls.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Lisburn
Places Available
Baking Breads and Tea Breads
This is a 6 week course covers the basics of bread making. Students are required to supply their own ingredients.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn
Places Available
Cakes Bakes and Treats
This is a 6 week course is perfect for anyone wanting to enhance their baking skills. Students are required to supply their own ingredients.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn
Places Available
European Cookery
This short introductory course will give you a taste of European cookery e.g. Spanish, Italian cuisine, British classics.
Part-Time Study
Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn
4 pages found showing 24 courses