Policies & Procedures

Whether you are a potential student considering enrolling at the College or a parent/guardian, the following Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) will help you understand key expectations of the College and provide you with useful information.

Acceptable ICT Use Policy
Access NI Code of Practice
Access to Information (FOI and EIR) Policy
Access to Information (FOI and EIR) SOP
Anti-Fraud Policy
Assessment Malpractice SOP
Assessment of BTEC Level 2 and 3 SOP
Asset Management SOP
Authorisation of Absences for Full time Students SOP
Awarding Organisation Conflict of Interest SOP
Cancellation Form
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) SOP
Charity and Fundraising Policy
Complaints and Compliments Policy
Construction and Engineering Services SOP
Course Oversubscription SOP
Curriculum Policy
Data Protection Handbook SOP
Data Protection Policy
Driving College Minibuses, Vans and Pool Cars SOP
Educational Visits SOP
Engineering SOP
Environmental Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
E-Safety Policy
FE Student Handbook
Fees Policy 2022-23
Fees Policy 2023-24
Fees Policy 2024-25
Fees Refund and Waiver SOP
Financial Governance Policy
Further Education (FE) Admissions Policy
Further Education (FE) Admissions SOP
General Estates SOP
General Health and Safety SOP
HE Student Handbook
Health and Safety Policy
Higher Education (HE) Admissions SOP
Higher Education Accreditation of Prior Learning SOP
Higher Education Admissions Policy
Higher Education Course Closure SOP
Higher Education Programmes SOP
Hire of College Facilities (including space) by Third Parties SOP
Hospitality and Catering SOP
ICT Security Policy
ICT Systems and Services SOP
Information Governance Policy
Intellectual Property Policy
Interim Policy for Students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
ITS Disaster Recovery Policy
Learning Support SOP
Library and Learning Resource Centre Policy
Little SERC Fees Policy 23-24
Mental Health Policy
Minor Works and Capital Works or Equipment SOP
Photographs - Legitimate Interest
Planting Commemorative Trees Policy
Publication Scheme SOP
Raising Concerns Policy
Raising Concerns Response Plan SOP
Records Management Policy
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Retention and Disposal Schedule SOP
Safeguarding Care and Welfare Policy
Safeguarding, Care and Welfare SOP
Science Laboratory and Animal House SOP
Secure Use Storage and Retention of Disclosure Information SOP
SERC Disability Action Plan
SERC Equality Scheme
Smoking Policy
Special Category Policy Document
Staff Appointments SOP
Student and Trainee Performance, Behaviour and Disciplinary Management Policy
Student and Trainee Performance, Behaviour and Disciplinary Management SOP
Student Bullying and Harassment SOP
Student Carer Policy
Student Performance, Behaviour and Disciplinary Management Policy
Student Protection Plan
Substance Misuse SOP
Third Party arrangements SOP
Work Placement and Experience SOP