Upcoming events in conjunction with Dry January Feel Good February campaigns

0 min read

14 January 2021

Here are some upcoming events in conjunction with Dry January Feel Good February campaigns

Here are some upcoming events in conjunction with Dry January Feel Good February campaigns

Dry Wit Comedy Night

Dry Wit is a regional live streamed comedy event featuring Micky Bartlett, Ronan Boyle, Aaron McCann and McConor Keys on Thursday 14th January 2020 at 8 pm .

To book your place go to http://ow.ly/8mPh50CPaRg


Webinar on Alcohol and Mental Health Problems

The Northern and Southern Connections Teams in partnership with Queen's University have organised a webinar to take place on Thursday 21st January at 10am. It focuses on the relationship between alcohol and mental health problems.

Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-relationship-between-alcohol-mental-health-problems-tickets-135487688323

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