Upcoming events in conjunction with Dry January Feel Good February campaigns
0 min read
14 January 2021

Here are some upcoming events in conjunction with Dry January Feel Good February campaigns
Dry Wit Comedy Night
Dry Wit is a regional live streamed comedy event featuring Micky Bartlett, Ronan Boyle, Aaron McCann and McConor Keys on Thursday 14th January 2020 at 8 pm .
To book your place go to http://ow.ly/8mPh50CPaRg
Webinar on Alcohol and Mental Health Problems
The Northern and Southern Connections Teams in partnership with Queen's University have organised a webinar to take place on Thursday 21st January at 10am. It focuses on the relationship between alcohol and mental health problems.
Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-relationship-between-alcohol-mental-health-problems-tickets-135487688323
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