Tips for Tasty Savings in the Kitchen

0 min read

14 June 2022

GB News Journalist Dougie Beattie with SERC Lecturer and Chef Brian Magill in Bangor Campus training kitchen

Dougie Beattie from GB News called into SERC’s Bangor Campus today to speak to Chef and Lecturer Brian Magill. The local journalist, who works across the island of Ireland, was producing a piece about the cost of living and wanted to hear how we prepare our students for careers in the industry and ensuring they know how to get the best from all ingredients and, essentially, keep waste to a minimum in the kitchen.

Lecturer Brian Magill said, “The working kitchen has always been about keeping waste to a minimum, but these days with the cost-of-living increases, every kitchen in every home has to do the same. We teach our students how to get the best from every ingredient, using it all and if it’s not all required for one dish, then keeping it for a key part of another dish  - for example, using a chicken carcass for making a tasty stock which you can freeze for another day.”

He added, “It’s really all about buying what is in season, using every part of the food, whether vegetables or a cut of meat, and making the most of storage such as freezing leftovers, or preserving or pickling ingredients you can use later.   These are simple skills that we have got out of the habit of using for ourselves.   There is nothing quite like tucking into your own home make pot of jam in the middle of winter or coating your fish in breadcrumbs you have made from bread that has gone a bit stale, which is just perfect for such a recipe.”

He continued, “A few simple ingredients can be turned into a wholesome and nutritious family meal and the dishes you love can be bulked out with beans or pulses to make them go further.”

For those of us who have got out of the habit of cooking, Brian says, “Learning the basics in the kitchen is not just about sustenance, cooking is a life skill which can be shared with family and friends, and is something you can pass on.”

Watch this space: Brian’s interview is set to air on GB News on Sky in a couple of weeks.