Stress Control Sessions

0 min read

15 January 2021

Ongoing free online Stress Control sessions, for details visit

Ongoing free online Stress Control sessions, for details visit

Quotation from a staff member who attended the Stress Control classes following the recommendation of her GP for the services.

“I recently attended this course due to a stressful situation at work and would highly recommend it, it can’t (and doesn’t claim to) change the cause of stress, however, it looks at self-care, introduces excellent mechanisms to cope with thoughts, actions, panic and all -important sleep! It is clearly laid out and easy to follow, perhaps more so as with the online version as you don’t feel the (very experienced) facilitator will not ask you any personal questions!

You progress at your own pace and the info is always there to re-visit if required. In fact, I would recommend it widely regardless of your stress levels particularly during these difficult times as the info and tips are just as important for everyday situations". 

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