Mindfulness Monday

0 min read

18 January 2021

What better way to start the New Year, than by focusing on Mindfulness for the month of January, and the best day of the week to do this is on a Monday.

This year, Blue Monday is on Monday 18th January 2021 and is often considered to be the most depressing day of the year. Introduced in 2004, the campaign behind the awareness day claim that the combination of bad weather, post-Christmas debt and failed New Year’s resolutions all contribute to Blue Monday being the most depressing day of the year.

Blue Monday is a very real phenomenon and has a significant impact on wellbeing. Regardless, it’s a great opportunity for you to discuss and support each other with overall emotional and physical health during the difficult winter months.

Some of the most common symptoms of Blue Monday mirror that of depression including low mood, and anxiety. With the many difficulties faced in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the accumulation of fear and uncertainty, January 2021 is likely to be difficult for many. You may find yourself feeling low due to debt gained over the past year/festive period, the long period between salary payments from December to January is also thought to be a contributing factor and the colder, darker January weather.

Helpful suggestions for ways to reduce the impact of Blue Monday

  • Filling up your day: having a day that is full of activities will be a great way of keeping your mind off Blue Monday; aim to treat the day as an opportunity for self-care and connections, schedule something for yourself on this day. Such as Get Active with Better Health and it may be something you wish to continue. To access click here.
  • Checking-in: will allow you to maintain constant observation of your surroundings, and help you maintain some control during the day.
  • Grounding yourself: by using grounding techniques, you will be able to keep yourself within the present and control your anxiety and mood during this particularly difficult day. Avail of the NHS mental wellbeing audio guides, to access, click here
  • Support networks: reach out to a friend, colleague or family member via video call or over the phone.

It’s important to remember that Blue Monday—like the ones that have come before—is just another day and tomorrow is a new day.


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