Stay Up to Date with Eco & PBL Ideas & Activities - Join the Cross Campus Eco Community
0 min read
14 September 2023

Join the Team by clicking here to get access to regular updates on eco opportunities organised by the EEE team and our local partners.
The EEE team are happy to work with lecturers to shape projects to suit PBL and assessment needs.
You can also use the Team to promote projects or initiatives you need help with or find out about activities that match your interests and skills, such as litter picks or birdwatching. There is no time commitment in joining – you simply have access to updates and can choose to get involved or not, depending on what suits you.
This new Microsoft Team marks a new direction for the Eco Committee, which is seeking to expand access to eco activities and initiatives by making it easier to get involved around busy schedules! EEE are also keen to support as many eco projects to flourish as possible, recognising that different individuals have different interests and skillsets. The new Team will replace all former teams and mailing lists, so click the join button to stay in the loop. Join the Cross Campus Eco Community Microsoft Team today to stay up to date with all things green on campus and beyond.
Visit to unlock your future #BetterOffAtSERC.
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