SU Officers Inspired at NUS-USI Conference
0 min read
14 April 2022

Members of SERC’s Students’ Union and Student Engagement team recently attended the NUS-USI conference in The White Horse Derry/Londonderry.
The NUS-USI is the national union that represents all university and college students in the UK and Ireland, striving to achieve positive change for all.
The conference brought students and officers together from across Northern Ireland around the #StudentsDeserveBetter campaign. The event had a focus on NUS-USI's campaigning work which you can read about here.
SERC had three SU Officers in attendance: Aaron Savage - Disability Officer- Bangor, Jay Ardies - Campus President- Downpatrick, and Beth Maginness - Equality and Diversity Officer- Bangor. They had the opportunity to listen to and discuss students’ issues, as well as to network with other NUS-USI members.
The group also had the opportunity to hear from election candidates who delivered speeches as part of their campaign. Voting closed shortly afterwards; the results of the election saw Chloe Ferguson from Queen's University Belfast Students Union win the vote to become NUS-USI President.
Anna Leahy, Student Engagement Officer at SERC said “Our officers all really enjoyed the conference and have come away from it feeling very inspired and motivated. It was a great opportunity for them to meet and network with students from the different colleges and universities across Northern Ireland.”
You can find out more about NUS-USI and their work by clicking here.
Remember you can join theSERC SU Online Hub and SU Health and Wellbeing. You can also keep up with the Students’ Union via social media channels; the SU are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Visit to unlock your future #BetterOffAtSERC.
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