SU Officer Elections Start Today

0 min read

18 October 2021

SU Officer Elections 2021

SU Officer Elections are now open and will close 12:00 on Friday 22 October.

This week is election week for SU Officers, it is important that you vote as the SU officers represent you on you campus. The roles include President, Activities, Welfare, Equality, Women’s, LGBTQ+, Trans, Disability, BAEM, HE and Eco officers. Manifestos are also available for the students that have submitted one.

You can find out more information and view manifestos for candidates from each campus by clicking on the links below.

All students have received an email with a link to vote. 

Remember you can join the SERC SU Online Hub by clicking here. You can also keep up with the Students’ Union via socials, we are on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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