SERC Student Eve Trains for Commonwealth Games

0 min read

12 May 2021

SERC HNC Applied Biology student Eve Walsh Dann, 19, Bangor, is training to qualify to represent Northern Ireland at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

SERC HNC Applied Biology student Eve Walsh Dann, 19, Bangor, is training to qualify to represent Northern Ireland at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. 

Eve is classified as a T38 Sprinter and in 2017 became Junior World Champion at 100m and 200m at the World Championships in Switzerland. 

Eve was interested in athletics from a young age, as she comments, “In 2012 I was watching the Paralympic Games from London where I saw an Irish athlete called Micheal McKillop win Gold, he has the same disability as me, Cerebral Palsy, I joined North Down Athletic Club where I still train now. I was then introduced to Lady Mary Peters who has been a great inspiration to me and supported me through the Mary Peters Trust for young athletes.” 

“As a member of North Down Athletics Club, I compete alongside able-bodied athletes. However, in 2016, with the support of Athletics NI, I was spotted by British Athletics and got my Classification as a Para Athlete. I currently train 4 to 5 days a week with Athletics NI at Ulster University Jordanstown and Mary Peters Track in Belfast and in Bangor with North Down AC. I’m training to Qualify to represent Northern Ireland at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.” 

“To progress I need to continue to close the gap on the more senior athletes so that in the future I can qualify for the Paralympic Games.” 

We would like to wish Eve the best of luck with her training and hope to see her represent Northern Ireland in 2022 

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