SERC Roll Out Green Technologies
0 min read
29 September 2021

South Eastern Regional College are rolling out a series of new Green Technology courses designed to upskill, reskill and provide innovation support for people working in the energy and renewable sector.
Paul Henry, Lead Business Consultant (Energy Renewables) at SERC said, “Climate change is on everyone’s agenda. The Green Technology that is going to make a difference is changing at a tremendous pace and SERC is rolling out a series of new programmes to meet demand for the energy, renewable and automotive industries."
He added, “Programmes include the Level 3 Award in the Installation and Commission of Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment in Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Locations and Level 3 Awards in the Installation & Maintenance of Air Source Heat Pumps; Installation and Maintenance of Small Scale Solar Photovoltaic PV Systems; Design, Installation & Commission of Electrical Energy Storage Systems; Introduction to Low Energy Buildings; Decarbonisation of Carbon Fuels & process innovation in HVO (hydrotreated Vegetable Oil)/Hydrogen Gas heating appliances."
He concluded, “Whilst some of the programmes are for experiences operatives working in the industry, some are for new entrants. All the programmes are fully accredited by registered industry and trade associations.”
For further information visit SERC Green-Tech.
Pictured above: Students from the automotive industry on course to complete the IMI Level 4 Award in the Diagnosis, Testing and Repair of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles and Components at SERC’s Downpatrick Campus: (L– R) Russell Donnan, SDS Garage, Ards, Aaron Murray, Aaron Murray Garage, Castlewellan, Alan Kerr, Training Consultant SERC, Emnet Dohery, Titan Automotives, Strabane, Martin Madine, Zero Emissions Project Engineer, Translink., Karl McTague, Translink and Paul Mooney, Auto Services, Cookstown.
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