Intercampus Wins at SERC Beauty Therapy Competition

0 min read

05 March 2025

Ellie Edgar, Sophie Hill, Judge Fiona Parker, Natalie Ritchie and Brenna Flynn.

Fiona Quinn, Jake Davies, Elle Edgar, Eryn Dale, Katie Murrary, Ellie Cunningham, Shona Quinn, Sophie Hill, Natalie Ritchie, Gracie Gibson and Judge, Fiona Parker

Level 3 Beauty Therapy and Level 3 Spa Therapy students at South Eastern Regional College (SERC) put their skills to the test in the annual Intercampus Beauty Therapy Competition.

Students from Bangor and Lisburn Campuses travelled to meet their counterparts at Downpatrick Campus, all bidding for wins for their course and Campus.

The students each had to complete a galvanic facial and a back massage, working to strict time constraints and professional standards. The competition was judged by local businesswoman, Fiona Parker, owner of Beautifia Spa and Beauty Salon in Newcastle.

First place went to Ellie Edgar (19), from Lisburn, a student at Lisburn Campus; Sophie Hill (28), from Holywood and Natalie Ritchie (18), from Kircubbin, both Bangor Campus, took joint second; and Downpatrick Campus student, Brenna Flynn (18), from Drumaness, took third place.

Judge, Fiona Parker said, “The judging process was particularly difficult as the professional standards displayed by all the students were so high.   I was beyond impressed by their skills, their knowledge and their interaction with clients.   I would be happy to have any one of them work as part of the team at Beautifia.  I congratulate the winners and all the participants and wish them all the best with their studies and careers.”  

Main picture above: (L – R) First place went to Ellie Edgar (19) from Lisburn; Sophie Hill (28) from Holywood, joint second; Judge Fiona Parker, owner of Beautifia Spa & Beauty Salon, Newcastle;  Natalie Ritchie (18) from Kircubbin, joint second; and, Brenna Flynn (18) from Drumaness, third place.

Inset: Fiona Quinn Principal Lecturer with, Jake Davies, Elle Edgar and Eryn Dale (Lisburn Campus);  Katie Murray, Ellie Cunningham NS Shona Quinn (Downpatrick Campus); Sophie Hill, Natalie Ritchie,  and Gracie Gibson and Judge, Fiona Parker