Part time Diploma in Reflexology helps Restores Confidence for Helena
0 min read
20 September 2022

Adults come to study at SERC for many different reasons. For some it is about upskilling to progress in the workplace, for others it is about dipping their toes back into education and for some people, the social element is as important as what you are going to learn on any course. Such was the case for Helena McGarry who recently completed a part-time course at Lisburn Campus.
Helena McGarry (58) from Dundrod, recently completed the VTCT Level 4 Diploma in Reflexology for the Complementary Therapist. She said, “I am no stranger to SERC and over the years I have completed many different courses including Barbering, Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy - these were all for my own personal interest and the skills I picked up I used at home for family and friends.”
Helena, a mother with five grown up children and three grandchildren, found her world dramatically changed overnight when her husband Paul suffered a fatal heart attack in April 2017. Paul raised beef cattle on their farm, and the couple often showed pedigree cattle at local shows. She said, “I was devastated when Paul passed away. Everything changed so suddenly for me and my family. My son took over the farm and kept it going, and then it seemed like no time before the global pandemic struck, we were going into lockdown. It was very difficult, I was still grieving and probably, like many people, I feel I have ‘lost’ this past couple of years too.”
Helena, who also cares for her 90-year-old mother said, “I decided in the summer of 2021, when things started to open up again, that I might like to go back and do something at college For me, it was as much about getting out of the house and meeting new people, as it was about learning something new. My family were very supportive, helping with their grandmother, and they encouraged me to go along to SERC, as they knew how much I had enjoyed previous courses and they all felt it would be good for me.”
She added, “I have always had an interest in reflexology, stemming from when I studied the beauty therapy course, so I enrolled on the VTCT Level 4 Diploma in Reflexology for Complementary Therapist. The course itself is really interesting in that you learn about reflexology techniques including hand, ear and face. You also learn about techniques for different stages of pregnancy and how the techniques are employed in palliative care, for clients with life limiting conditions or pain management.”
“I really enjoyed the course, and it was something I looked forward to each week. Our lecturer was brilliant and very supportive. The course included sessions with guest speakers from a hospice and maternity setting which helped everyone see opportunities with the qualification.”
The VTCT Level 4 Diploma in Reflexology for Complementary Therapist is a government skills approved qualification covering advanced reflexology techniques suitable for use in clinical settings. Successful completion of the qualification means holders are eligible to apply for vacancies in a variety of roles within a hospital, hospice or health care environment or pursue self-employment in complementary health clinic, beauty spa or private clinic.
Helena concluded, “When I lost my husband, I felt that all my confidence had gone too. Coming to SERC and successfully completing the course has helped restore some of my old confidence. And I was glad to have the support and friendship of everyone I met on the course. Having completed the Diploma, I know there are other progression routes for me, but this year I might just consider a leisure, something light and fluffy! That’s the best thing about your local college, there is something for everyone.”
There is still time to enrol for adult education courses commencing this September . Come along to our open evening 5pm - 8pm on Thursday 22 September in Bangor, Downpatrick, Newtownards, Newcastle and Lisburn. Learning never stops #BetterOffAtSERC.
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