Cervical Cancer Awareness

0 min read

18 January 2021

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 18-24 January 2021 aims to help as many people as possible know how they can reduce their risk of the disease and to educate others.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 18-24 January 2021 aims to help as many people as possible know how they can reduce their risk of the disease and to educate others.

How can you reduce your risk of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer can be reduced by: 

  • Attending cervical screening (known as a smear test). Knowing the symptoms of cervical cancer and seeking medical advice if experiencing any symptoms are very important. Cervical Screenings welcome all women from the age of 25 to 40 to attend and these are offered every 5 years Cervical screening - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
  • Taking the HPV vaccination if aged 11-18
  • Knowing where to find support and further information

Link to Action Cancer Z Card for information on Ovarian and Cervical Cancer click here and for more information click here

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