Mind Yourself - National Heart Month
0 min read
02 February 2022

Heart and circulatory diseases, such as a heart attack or a stroke, start when fatty materials build up in your arteries. If the arteries that carry blood to your heart get damaged and clogged, it can lead to a heart attack. If this happens in the arteries that carry blood to your brain, it can lead to a stroke. Heart and circulatory diseases kill 1 in 4 people in NI.
You are more likely to get heart and circulatory diseases if you have high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. Your risk also increases if you smoke, drink too much alcohol, don’t move enough or are overweight, stressed or eat an unhealthy diet.
Changes you can make:
- Cut down on foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar
- Aim for 150 minutes of physical activity a week
- Cut back on alcohol
To find out how healthy your heart is, take the NHS heart age test to compare your heart age to your real age - click here to access.
Could you save a life?
Many of us will witness cardiac arrest at one point in our lives, you can be ready for that time by learning CPR and how to use a defibrillator. Click here for a demonstration Learn how to save a life.
The Colleges defibrillators can be accessed from the following areas on each of the campuses:
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall beside reception desk)
- Birches Restaurant (Mounted on wall in stairwell on C-Floor)
- Sports Department (Room A35)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall)
- Training Office (A1-5 Street Level Entrance)
- Main Gym Inside gym (Outside C3-10)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall)
- Renewable Energy Labs (Mounted on wall outside Energy Lab A Floor)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall beside reception desk)
- Sports Hall (Located in General Sports Hall on A Floor)
- Fitness Suite (Located in Fitness Suite on A Floor. Room 2A-8)
- AHOS Offices (Beside 3B-14)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall beside reception desk)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall beside reception desk)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall beside reception desk)
- Main Reception (Mounted on wall beside reception desk)
Dundrod/ Prof Skills Centre
- CITBNI Headquarters (Located at back of main CITBNI Headquarters)
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