Looking After Yourself and Each Other in Lockdown
0 min read
11 January 2021

Here we go again….Did anyone think last March we would still be in the grips of a pandemic coming up on a year? I know many of us didn’t, but here we are…In this together…looking forward to when we will be ‘out of it altogether’! We DO have reason to be positive with the vaccine on the horizon, but until we all get there, let’s see what we can do to help each other.
Whether you are a current or past student, staff member, client or business partner or part of the local community of SERC, we want you to know that we are here. Over the coming weeks, we will be posting articles and tips on our website and socials to help us all with well-being, things that will break up the day and define the weekend, ideas and recommendations that will hopefully encourage us all and information about things you can look forward to.
To get us started, have a look at the 10 Activities graphic from Believe PHQ. You don’t have to do everything, just have a look and see if there is anything that suits you or your family. You can also have a look at the Travel Virtually Weekend article on our website each Friday which will highlight online concerts, exhibitions and activities you can do to feel connected.
Heather McKee, Director of Strategic Planning, Quality and Support said, “The days are so short, it is important to get out to make the most of the one hour for exercise, if you can, and to make the most of daylight hours. Perhaps make a point to take a break and go out over lunch time. Try taking a different route which will give you the chance to see something different. Whether you live in the country or town, there will be something of interest. Fresh air and being outside is good for everyone’s wellbeing and you will be surprised at how quickly it can become part of your routine.”
Watch out for upcoming posts, articles and activities:
- SERC Yoga on our YouTube channel
- Recommendations for books, music, films and box sets, and new recipes to try at home
- Mental health for adults and for children
- Step Challenge Monday 18 January
- Refreshers Week – 1 – 5 February
- Time to talk Day - 4 February
You can also visit the Students’ Union team site to access the SU Health and Wellbeing Hub and join the SU Online Weekly Drop In commencing from 15 January. Keep an eye out on socials for online activity with our Student Union Officers.
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