Gaming and Gambling Awareness Sessions for Parents, Carers, and Guardians

0 min read

26 February 2024

Picture of hands stacked on top of each other.

Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust is holding an online information session to help parents, carers and guardians develop an understanding of gaming and gambling harms and the effect it can have on children. 

Workshop overview: 

  • Gambling: exploring the influences on children and young people 
  • Gaming: discussing the benefits and concerns 
  • The blurred lines between gaming and gambling 
  • How to spot the signs of harm 
  • Useful tips to create a healthy gaming balance 
  • Where to get help and support 

When: Thursday 21 March, 3pm to 4.15pm via MS Teams. 

To reserve your place on the session and to receive the joining link click here

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