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09 February 2021

Please see below a list of current grant opportunities available. If you are interested in applying for any of these funding opportunities, then please contact
Grants can be applied for if:
- Project lead is identified and are willing to undertake project within their current role.
- Approval received from CMT/ Head of School
Bid written by Kim Godsman in association with nominated lead or team.
Project planning and implementation monitored by Kim Godsman.
Oversight of draw down of funding monitored by Kim Godsman.
Grant 1
Funding for Projects That Assist Disadvantaged Young People (UK)
Grants of between £200 and £2,000 are available for projects which empower disadvantaged young people in the UK to fulfil their potential. The funding is being made available through the KFC Foundation and is available to local charities, registered community interest companies, unincorporated clubs and associations that have a turnover of less than £300,000 which have a local KFC restaurant in their community. The KFC Foundation welcomes funding applications from organisations which:
- Benefit young people aged 11-25 years old.
- Supports those in a position of social disadvantage (i.e., care leavers, those experiencing homelessness, young carers, young parents, young people at risk of or with experience of the criminal justice system).
- Empower young people to fulfil their potential and build a positive future by providing spaces that allow young people to feel safe and secure, helping them to unlock talent, build life skills, provide mentoring and improve their chances to gain meaningful employment.
- Are local to a KFC restaurant? (Find Your Local KFC)
- Will demonstrate positive results from their project within 12 months of our funding being received.
Expressions of interest must be submitted via a two-minute video and a short expression of interest form by the 28th February 2021.
Useful Links
Grant 2
Funding for Financial Literacy Projects (UK)
The MSE Charity has announced that its grants programme has re-opened for applications. The MSE Charity gives grants to not for profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money. In this funding round, grants of up to £7,500 will be available for projects aimed at the under-25s. The idea is to teach and develop their financial life skills, to help them thrive in these turbulent economic times. Organisations that are eligible to apply include Registered Charities, Social Enterprises, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and other not for profit companies and Credit Unions. The closing date for applications is 5pm on the 26th February 2021 or earlier if the charity has accepted 40 applications. It is advised to apply early in the month to ensure that application is considered. Potential applicants are asked to complete an Eligibility Quiz and read the Guidance Notes prior to application.
Useful Links
Grant 3
Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund for Charities & Social Enterprises (UK)
In response to the coronavirus, Social Investment Business have launched a Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund for social enterprises and charities which have been adversely impacted by the pandemic. The 25 million fund provides emergency loans of between £100,000 to £1,500,000 without requiring personal guarantees and charging no interest fees or interest for twelve months. The £25m is part of a wider package of support announced by Big Society Capital. The Fund is intended to provide working capital until normal business can resume for organisations that are facing financial difficulty. Loans could be used to cover delays in trade payments, or for business modification to meet increase in service demand. The initial £25 million has been provided by Big Society Capital, with loans backed by the Government’s existing Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme. The closing date for applications is 11.59 pm on the 31st March 2021.
Useful Links
Grant 4
Funding to Support Swimming Organisation Affected by the Covid-19 (UK)
Swimming and aquatic clubs and organisations experiencing short-term financial hardship due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic can apply for grants of between £250 and £1,000 through the Swimathon Foundation’s Covid-19 Relief Fund 2.0. Funding is available to help cover loss of revenue or fixed costs such as equipment or pool hire and event hosting fees for an event which has now been cancelled. Priority will be given to organisations who were not eligible for and have not received funding from the first round of the Fund or from any government funded organisation. Applications which relate to the financial impact for the period of the 1st November 2020 to the 31st March 2021 will be considered. The deadline for applications is the 26th February 2021.
Useful Links
Grant 5
Grants of up to £50,000 Available for Community Projects (UK)
Aviva has launched the next round of its Community Fund. Aviva has teamed up with the fundraising platform Crowdfunder to offer funding of up to £50,000 to small charities, schools and community interest groups in the UK with innovative ideas that benefit their community. Every three months from January 2020 onwards, £250,000 will be split equally among Aviva’s UK employees to donate to the projects that matter to them most. Aviva wants to support projects that boost the resilience of communities in the face of uncertainty and will be supporting projects in two key areas:
- Community resilience: tackling inequality and improving environments by building inclusive and resilient communities; or
- Financial capability and inclusion: promoting financially inclusive communities, where people can better manage their finances and avoid problem debt
To take part the project must also be raising funds to develop a new approach, product or technology, pilot a new scheme, implement a new initiative, or expand existing services to a new area or beneficiary group. All beneficiaries must be in the UK.
Applications are open on a continuous basis and are reviewed every three months. The closing date for this round is the 7th April 2021.
Once applications have been submitted, applicants will need to create a fundraising page on Crowdfunder that Aviva employees can browse and donate funds to. Applicants can also showcase their projects to raise additional public donations.
Useful Links
Apply to the Aviva Community Fund
Grant 6
Funding to Create Resilient Rural Communities (UK)
Grants of up to £10,000 are available for projects from across the UK which are working to create resilient rural communities. The Prince’s Countryside Fund will award funding from the Barclays 100x100 UK Covid-19 Community Relief Fund to support farming and rural communities to cope with the impact of Covid-19, to expand on new services that have emerged to support the local community during this time and to build future resilience. Applications are encouraged from community-led organisations with a turnover under £500,000 per year, from communities with a population of up to 3,000 residents. Examples could Include rolling out longer term food and medicine delivery services; social groups to support isolated people; or mental health support. The Fund will close when enough eligible applications have been received.
Useful Links
How to Write a Strong Application
Grant 7
London Mathematical Society - Small Grants for Education (UK)
Grants of up to £800 are available to stimulate interest and enable involvement in mathematics from Key Stage 1 (age 5+) to Undergraduate level and beyond. The funding is being made available through the London Mathematical Society’s Small Grants for Education scheme and aims to enhance and enrich mathematical study beyond the curriculum; engage the public with mathematics; and encourage unusual ways of communicating mathematics.
The scheme is primarily intended for activities for which there is limited scope for alternative sources of funding. Applicants linked to universities should ideally be supported by a member of the Society and ordinarily the Scheme will not fund University outreach activity. However, anyone based in the UK is eligible to apply for a grant.
There are four application rounds each year and the next closing date for applications is the 30th April 2021.
Useful Links
Small Grants for Education application form
Grant 8
Funding for Schools Science Projects (UK)
The Royal Society has announced that its Partnership grant scheme has re-opened for applications. Through the scheme grants of up to £3,000 are available for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) projects run at a primary or secondary school or college in partnership with a professional scientist or engineer.
The aim of the fund is to make the teaching of science more interesting within primary and secondary schools. The Partnership Grant scheme forms partnerships to allow teachers to increase their scientific knowledge and to give scientists and engineers the chance to develop their communication skills and engage with enquiring young minds. Any UK primary or secondary school teacher or practicing scientist/engineer can apply as long as the students involved in the project are between 5 and 18.
A partnership needs to be established before starting the application and the initial application must be started by the school partner as the primary applicant. The second partner should be an individual currently working in a STEM related profession, such as a researcher or analyst.
Specific enquiries can be made by emailing the Education Outreach team directly or by calling 020 7451 2531.
Additionally, in 2020 there is a new extension to the scheme called Tomorrow's climate scientists. This extension will fund schools to research specifically into climate change and biodiversity issues. The application process for Tomorrow's climate scientists is the same as for the main scheme. For further information about this extension, please contact the Schools Engagement team via
Due to COVID-19 the deadline for Stage 1 has been extended until the end of May and Stage 2 will remain open until the end of June 2021.
Projects previously funded
- What’s the Weather Like? - a Partnership Grants project between Mead Community Primary School and Black and Veatch that has enabled pupils to begin predicting their local weather.
- Shooting stars on camera: Colour composition and contrasts: A project between William Perkin C of E High School and the Open University. Students have been determining the origin and elemental structure of meteors under the guidance of academic professional, Professor Monica Grady.
Useful Links
Eligibility and judging criteria
Grant 9
Grants to Enhance the Teaching of Mathematics (UK)
The London Mathematical Society has announced that Mathematics Teachers in the UK can apply for grants of up to £400 to attend specific one or two-day conferences/events organised by professional mathematical organisations.
The scheme is intended to provide opportunities for mathematics teachers to attend training which is specifically mathematical. It is intended to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow teachers in UK schools/educational institutions to:
- Develop their subject knowledge
- Engage in a deeper understanding of how to develop mathematical thinking
- Appreciate the interconnectivity of mathematical topics
- Update themselves on mathematics curriculum reform
- Use technology when and where appropriate.
The aim of the grant is to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow teachers in UK schools/educational institutions to develop their subject knowledge. The grant can contribute to the costs of registration for the course and a proportion of the travel and subsistence expenses of attendees.
Any application for a grant under this scheme must be made by a teacher of mathematics or ITE provider based in the UK. The grants are open to teachers of mathematics from primary school to A-Level or equivalent (inclusive of STEP/AEA).
The next closing date for applications is the 30th April 2021. Queries regarding applications can be addressed to the Education Grants administrator, Katherine Wright, who can discuss proposals informally with potential applicants. Email or Tel: 020 7927 0801
Useful Links
Teacher CPD Grant Application Form
Grant 10
School Grants to Promote Physics (UK)
The Institute of Physics has announced that UK schools, colleges or home school groups can apply for grants of up to £600 for small-scale projects or events linked to the teaching or promotion of physics and engineering to pupils aged 5 - 19. Grants can support a wide range of projects such as school-based science weeks, extracurricular activities, science clubs, careers event or a visit from a working physicist or engineer.
Grants may be used for the following purposes: materials/resources; transport; marketing and publicity; other purposes deemed appropriate by the judges; and supply cover (in certain circumstances).
The Institute of Physics is interested in proposals that look at:
- particle physics
- astronomy
- space and nuclear physics
- energy
- transport
- information and communications
- design and promotion
- built environment
Previous projects to receive funding include:
- Ampleforth College for a visit to Jodrell Bank Radio Observatory.
- St John’s High School for a Practical Rocketry workshop to design a water-propelled rocket.
The closing date for applications is the 1st June 2021 (for projects taking place in the following summer term).
Useful Links
Grant 11
Royal Society of Chemistry – Outreach Fund (UK)
Individuals and organisations such as researchers, museums, schools, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, arts groups and libraries can apply for grants of up to £10,000 to run chemistry-based events and activities for public audiences and in schools. Applications for schools engagement activities should demonstrate how the proposed activities will:
- enrich student's chemistry education and not solely deliver the curriculum
- provide students with opportunities to explore chemistry through local contexts, AND/OR
- demonstrate career opportunities and develop employability skills, AND/OR
- provide opportunities which would not normally be accessible to the students taking part, e.g., for hard-to-reach student audiences
Applications for public engagement activities should demonstrate how the proposed activities will:
- increase chemists' visibility as approachable people AND/OR
- increase the publics' confidence in discussing chemistry AND/OR
- demonstrate the relevance of chemistry to everyday interests and concerns
The Outreach Fund is split into two categories: small grants - up to £5,000 and large grants - up to £10,000
Previously funded projects include "Cool chemistry at the seaside" where the Society awarded a grant of £2,000 to volunteers in Ramsgate who transformed an empty town-centre shop into a makeshift theatre, delivering free chemistry demonstrations to anyone. The closing date for applications to the small and large grants programmes is the 1st March 2021.
Grant 12
Funding to Support Research into Privacy & Data Protection Issues (UK)
Applications are invited for the final round of funding for the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO) Privacy Innovation Grants Programme which supports independent research into privacy and data protection issues and develops privacy-enhancing solutions.
Grants of between £20,000 - £100,000 are available to academic institutions, trade and industry associations, civil society groups, or organisations with a genuine commitment to public benefit outcomes, for projects that promote good practice within the fields of privacy and data protection.
Examples of areas the ICO is interested in include:
- surveillance technologies
- datafication’ of homeworking;
- digital identity
- data sharing, smart cities, artificial intelligence, big data
- data protection issues and solutions for vulnerable adults, groups at risk of inequality and children
The deadline for applications is the 10th March 2020.
A webinar for potential applicants, discussing the programme in more detail and answering questions, will take place on Wednesday 10 February at 2pm. Register to take part here.
Useful Links
Introduction to the Grants Programme
Grant 13
Funding for Community Based Projects (UK and Overseas)
The Hilden Charitable Fund awards grants of an average of £5,000 to causes working at community level in the UK and developing countries which are less likely to be able to raise funds from other sources. Current UK funding priorities are:
- Homelessness
- Penal Affairs
- Asylum Seekers and Refugees
- Community-Based initiatives for Disadvantaged Young People Aged 16 to 25
Overseas, Hilden concentrates on projects in developing countries working on community development, education, and health and particularly welcomes those that address the needs and potential of girls and women. Only applications submitted on the form supplied on the website will be considered. Hilden accepts applications at any time but the closing date for applications to be considered at the next meeting of Trustees is the 16th April 2021.
Useful Links
Grants for Urgent Structural Repairs to Churches (UK)
Listed and unlisted Christian places of worship, of any denomination, can apply for a grant towards the cost of urgent structural repairs. Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 are available for projects costed at more than £100,000 including VAT. Also considered are projects that introduce kitchens and accessible toilets to enable increased community use where the cost is more than £30,000 including VAT. All grants will represent a maximum of 50% of the project cost. Applications from the Trust’s priority areas of the North East of England, Northern Ireland and Wales are encouraged. Funding is made available by the National Churches Trust under the Cornerstone Grant Programme. The next deadline for applications is midnight on the 1st March 2021.
Useful Links
Music for All Re-opens it Grant Making Programme (UK)
Grants are available to UK based community groups and schools who would benefit from a “helping hand” to bring music to their community and fulfil their potential in becoming truly sustainable music programmes. The funding which is being made available by the charity Music for All, can be put towards musical instrument costs, workshops/training, using music to break down barriers, providing a variety of educational opportunities as well as helping to find ways to integrate many diverse and minority groups positively into society. UK based community music groups and educational organisations are eligible to apply. Applicants are encouraged to look for other sources of funding to add to the amount needed to deliver the project.
Examples of projects funded:
- Belham Primary School: Used a grant from Music for All to purchase instruments and resulted in 137 out of the 180 children learning violin, guitar, ukulele or recorder. This compares to 6 months earlier when only a handful were learning just the recorder.
Due to the Coronavirus crisis, the deadline for applications has been extended for this bidding round from the 1st July 2020 to the 1st November 2020.
Individual Grant Application Instructions and Eligibility Criteria
Community Project Funding Instructions and Eligibility Criteria
Grant 16
Grants to Promote Latin and Roman Studies and Activities (UK)
Grants of up to £600 are available to schools to help promote Latin and Roman studies. Most of the grants are awarded for the purchase of textbooks and other books on Roman topics. Grants are also awarded to groups and schools and museums organising lectures or study days on Roman themes, and money has recently been made available for archaeology fieldwork bursaries. The grants are awarded by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies and the next closing date for applications is the 1st July 2021.
Grants for Schools (
Grant 17
Grants to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystems (UK / Worldwide)
Outdoor clothing company Patagonia has funding of up to $12,000 available for projects that address the root causes of environmental problems. Small, grassroots, activist organisations around the world, working on action orientated and multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect biodiversity and the environment, can apply for grants to run projects that protect local habitats. Applicants must be able to produce measurable project results, and Patagonia are particularly keen to support efforts that force the government to abide by laws. Creative methods to engage communities to take action, including film, photography and books will only be supported if they are tightly linked to a direct-action campaign on the issue, with specific goals that go beyond education and awareness. The deadline for applications is the 30th June 2021.
Grant 18
Grants for Charities Supporting People who are Homeless (UK)
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to UK registered charities to support people who are homeless. Priority to applications that help Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, a group which has been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The funding is being made through the Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust and is available to UK registered charities with an income and expenditure of £1,000,000 and over. The closing date for applications is the 28th February 2021
Home - The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust (
Grant 19
£11 Million Fund for Energy Entrepreneurs to Turn Green Ideas into Reality (UK)
The UK Government has announced £11 million in funding to help the UK’s energy entrepreneurs to turn their clean and green ideas into real products and services that help eliminate carbon emissions. The Energy Entrepreneurs Fund seeks to drive forward new clean technologies across all sectors of UK industry. The latest round of funding will support between 15 and 20 projects, with each successful bidder receiving up to £1 million. Projects could include innovations that boost home energy efficiency, develop green transport, and source cleaner and greener ways to generate power and heat. Applicants must register their interest by 12pm on the 26th February 2021. Full applications must be submitted by 12pm on the 30th March 2021
£11 million boost for energy entrepreneurs to turn green dreams into reality - GOV.UK (
Please contact if you are interested in any of the grants listed
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