SERC Host “Bring IT On” Event
0 min read
09 February 2021

South Eastern Regional College (SERC) recently hosted a virtual Bring IT On session to share IT expertise with local school pupils, teachers and parents. The Bring IT On initiative, funded by the Department for the Economy, is designed to encourage and educate young people about their career pathways into the IT industry.
Tracey Davies, Curriculum Manager for School of Engineering and Computing said, “With the current restrictions in place, SERC’s Bring It On session was hosted online. We were delighted to have over 80 attendees, including pupils, parents and staff from local schools and students from our own Level 2 and Level 3 Computing courses, all keen to gain an insight into careers in the IT industry, the skills most in demand and the range of recruitment avenues.
She added, “Speakers included Simon Whittaker, co-founder and cyber security director of Vertical Structure, and staff from SERC who spoke about IT roles in the College from an employer perspective. We also had two interactive workshops for the students: Caesar Cyphers and The Internet of Things. Participants were invited to enter a prize draw for the chance of winning a Fire Tablet, Fire Sticks, Echo Dots and Google Play vouchers.
Tracey concluded, “Feedback has been positive and we were really pleased with how well the young people engaged with the lecturers during the interactive workshops. We hope to run another similar event before the end of the year!"
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Caption: SERC recently held a Bring IT On, event, which aims to encourage and educate young people about their career pathways into the IT industry. The event had speakers such as Simon Whittaker, co-founder of Vertical Structure and staff from SERC who spoke about IT roles from an employer perspective. Pictured are two lecturers involved with the running of the event, Claire Clarke and Ryan Major. #OnlineAndOpenForBusiness
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