**FAO All Staff** Spring Clean of Data

0 min read

17 February 2019

Records Clearance Week (Week Commencing 18th Feb 2019)

Spring is in the air and with that comes Spring Cleaning!

All staff (Corporate and Curriculum) are required to clear out obsolete records and have a general tidy up of their desks, classrooms and office spaces. This will not only create clearer work spaces, increase storage for items we do need to keep and make information we do need more accessible but will also ensure our compliance with legal requirements.

Legislation such as GDPR and Freedom of Information means that by law we must protect our records and manage them responsibly.  We are aware of GDPR enforcement and the ICO (Information Commissioner Officer) is considering enforcement of Freedom of Information requirements regarding our non-personal records.

Staff should consider what information they are storing and the reason why they are storing it. Keeping information too long increases the risk of compromised records. The ICO has the legal powers to confiscate hardcopy and electronic records if they have enough reason to believe we are not processing information correctly.

Initial spot checks have resulted in numerous examples of unsecured records.

Further Inspections will begin w/c 4th March 2019.

Staff are required to begin their review and relevant disposal w/c 18th February.

What should staff consider when clearing their records/paperwork:

  • All records i.e. those with personal data and those which are commercial records (non-personal) will be checked. You have been warned!
  • Records which are now beyond their retention timeframe.  Staff must not keep these records ‘just in case’.  This is unlawful.
  • Disposing of blank/obsolete forms which have perhaps been updated since printing
  • Records which must be kept can go to archive (staff can contact sharvey@serc.ac.uk for details and guidance)
  • Re-organise files either chronologically or by category e.g. 2018/10… FOI Requests… Bloggs J

How do staff know what records need kept?

The Retention and Disposal Schedule is SERC’s legal document which states timeframes for all records.  Staff who observe it will never be questioned regarding their disposal actions.

Key areas which should be checked?

  • Classrooms/workshops
  • Offices
  • Staff rooms
  • Pigeon holes
  • Stores
  • Cabinets
  • Storage boxes
  • Student work/portfolios
  • Offsite storage (Dept’s who have items in ‘Oasis Document Storage’ can contact me for an inventory of what is in storage and dates for disposal)
  • Networks/Sharepoint

What do staff do with items to be disposed of?   

  • Records with personal information - Staff must refer to the Confidential Waste SOP.  Under no circumstances should these items be placed in any form of bin.  Confidential waste bags/shredders only. ? 
  • Non-personal papers can be placed in blue bins for recycling. ? 
  • Furniture items and assets must be reviewed by Estates/caretakers prior to any disposal.  Skips will be available on all sites for these.


If you have any further questions around disposal of waste please contact Records Manager Sian Harvey.