Applications for Study USA 2023-24 are now open!
0 min read
13 October 2022

Apply now for the chance to spend a full academic year at a US college or university, studying business or business with pure sciences/engineering.
Each year between 50-60 students from Northern Ireland participate in the Study USA programme, which has been running since 1994.
From East coast to West coast, opportunities are spread across many states - giving students the chance to experience the huge cultural and geographical diversity of the US.
Study USA is funded by the Department for the Economy.
The scholarship funding package (worth approximately £35,000) includes;
- Room and board for the academic year
- A generous text book allowance
- One return flight to the US
Participant finance;
- US student visa costs - £400-£550 approximately
- Travel and health insurance – £400 - £600 approximately
- Participation fee of £1500. If a student is in receipt of a maintenance grant this fee will be waived.
Tuition fees are waived by the participating US colleges and universities.
Undergraduate Degree students: deadline - Monday, 21 November 2022 at 12:00 noon
HND / Foundation Degree students: deadline – Monday 23 January 2023 at 12:00 noon
To visit find out more information and to apply click here.
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