Stranmillis Researchers Reveal Positive Findings from SERC’s PBL Surveys
0 min read
13 October 2022

Researchers from Stranmillis University College recently released an evaluation report that focused on South Eastern Regional College’s Project Based Learning (PBL) activities.
The research included three focus groups for students, two focus groups for staff and surveys of approximately 4000 students and 150 staff, all of whom were directly involved in the implementation of a PBL experience at the college.
The results of the research concluded many great positives including that PBL activities have helped to inspire students to become entrepreneurs, with 19% stating that they intend to start their own business compared to Northern Ireland’s average rate of early-stage entrepreneurship of 6.5%. The results also showcased just how important PBL is to the development of students’ employability, as researchers found PBL had a significant positive impact on every category of transversal skills such as critical thinking, interpersonal skills and time-management.
The full report can be found by clicking here.
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