Zero Shop

Our pop-up Zero Shop provides an array of eco products to help you get what you want while also being kind to our planet!

Zero Shop

You can find our Zero Shop at the college’s seasonal markets and events. All our products offer an eco-friendly alternative to everyday items, such as bamboo cups to replace disposable cups, or hand-made organic cotton dish cloths to do away with plastic sponges!

Any profit is invested back into the college’s Enterprise, Entrepreneurship & Environment initiatives.

So next time you need a toothbrush or a reusable travel mug, why not buy one of our biodegradable bamboo ones? You will be doing your bit to help the environment!

If you have any eco-friendly products that you would like to sell in our zero shop, or if you would like to volunteer by helping to create products or to pop up the shop, please get in touch by emailing

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