Sprout is a student-centric, web-based platform dedicated to supporting young people in making informed choices about their futures.
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What we do
Sprout is a student-centric, web-based platform dedicated to supporting young people in making informed choices about their futures.
Utilising gamification, digital technology, data and psychology, the platform will nurture and guide the future talent pool to a fulfilling career, one suited to the skills and interests of the individual, such that they are happy in their work and become a valuable asset to their employer.
Sprout founder, Kenny Galloway, is a seasoned business development professional with over a decade of experience in marketing, sales and customer service. In 2020-21, Kenny completed a CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership at SERC.
With support from the SERC Entrepreneurs Club, Kenny secured a £5000 innovation grant in 2021 to develop a prototype of his app for piloting.
- Founded:Dec 2020
- Contact:Kenny Galloway, 50013623@serc.ac.uk
- Course:CMI Level 5 Leadership and Management
- Campus:Lisburn

Open Positions
Software Engineer
Software Developer