Training for Success Students take part in Action Cancer Big Shop Challenge 2018
0 min read
25 October 2018
On Friday 19 October, students from SERC's Lisburn Campus took over two Action Cancer shops in Lisburn as part of the Big Shop Challenge raising over £4000 for the charity.
The Action Cancer Big Shop Challenge involves every shop across the country being taken over by different organisations as they compete to raise money for Action Cancer. Other organisations taking part this year included: Bank of Ireland, NHSCT, Airgem, DWF Law, Department for the Economy, HMPO, Worthington Law, BT, Mid Ulster Volunteer Centre and Holley Optometrists.
The Students taking part were all Training for Success (TFS) Projects trainees incorporating retail, hairdressing, catering, engineering and motor vehicle trainees. The second-year non-construction trainees took over the Lisburn Boutique while the construction trainees assisted with the street collection for the Furniture Shop.
Students and volunteers dressed up in some eye-catching Halloween and Christmas inspired outfits as they collected donations up and down Bow Street.
Level 3 Music students also provided entertainment in the Boutique and in the Square providing a cheerful atmosphere for the pre-Christmas shoppers.
Also, on the day the shops hosted a 30-prize raffle as well as tombola prizes donated by local businesses with some top prizes including a trip to Tayto Park as well as 9 carrot gold chain.
Thanks to this event, Trainees developed transferable skills and experience for their programmes in customer skills, working as a team and organisational skills as well as supporting their local community in a fund-raising activity.
Prior to the event, Worklink trainees raised money conducting a bag pack in Tesco raising £300, and in B & M raising £329. A sweet jar raffle and sweet sale with sweets donated by Eurospar raised £50 as well as a collection at the SERC Lisburn Campus raised £92.
The total amount raised by the two shops in Lisburn was £4258.
Action Cancer Lisburn Retail Store Manager Amy Brereton said that “All the students have done a fantastic job. They where euthanistic throughout the day and have raised a substantial amount for Action Cancer. I would invite them back any time.”
Barbara McNeill, Head of School for the Training Organisation said “I believe it is very important for students to engage with their local community and raising funds for charity is a great way to do that. The students have done extremely well, and I thank them for all their hard work throughout the day.”
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