Tour de SERC Cycle Challenge

0 min read

05 June 2020

Starting on Monday 8th June, ‘Tour de SERC’ will see participants clock up the miles as they collectively travel the distance of the specified route from Belfast to Dublin.

Starting on Monday 8th June, ‘Tour de SERC’ will see participants clock up the miles as they collectively travel the distance of the specified route from Belfast to Dublin. 

How fast can SERC cycle around Ireland? June’s challenge aims to get SERC staff and students off the sofa and onto the saddle. Starting on the Monday 8th June, ‘Tour de SERC’ will see participants cycle their way around Ireland, with the challenge ending when the team collectively travels the distance of the specified route from Belfast to Dublin.

But I don’t have time to travel across Ireland on my bike, we hear you say? Never fret, every bike ride counts! Whether you are travelling your normal cycle route, or taking the bike to the shops, each journey will count towards the challenge of cycling the distance across Ireland. This challenge will take the scenic cycle route, rotating a whopping 1400km from Belfast to Dublin.  So, get on your bike, and help SERC cycle around Ireland. 

To keep track of all the weekly wheeling, cross country crusades and peddle pushes in the park, a team site has been created which also has some handy bike riding tips! On this team site you will record your steps in a spreadsheet and these will be added together to mimic the journey around Ireland.

Click here to join the team.

The whole household can get involved, just add each person's name to the spreadsheet and document their cycling distances in Km. There will be two £10 Halford’s vouchers up for grabs. These will go to the top distance travelled for an adult (16+) and top distance travelled for a child (under 16).  

Inspired to get cycling but no bike? Check out SERCs cycle to work scheme: SERC Cycle To Work - Employee Information Sheet.doc

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