Time to Talk Day
0 min read
03 February 2022

The theme for this year is Talk, Listen and Change Lives. This message is key, as it encourages us all to be more open about mental health.
The events of the last two years have undoubtedly exacerbated the challenges faced by many organisations and Covid-19 continues to place a strain on all of us.
What can you do to get involved in Time to Talk day?
If you are on campus, why not take a colleague for a cuppa or for a catch up in the college restaurants (please observe current covid-19 rules).
If you’re working at home and if you haven’t talked to colleagues outside your own team in a while, then why not get the date booked in your diary, connect with 3 staff members, and make that call via MS Teams or telephone? Its a great way to catch up while working remotely.
Event at Lisburn Campus on Time to Talk Day
Mind Yourself and Students Union staff will be holding a Health and Wellbeing information stand in the Reception of the Lisburn Campus on Thursday 3rd February 2022 from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm for staff and students to visit and get information on the support services available within the College to support wellbeing.
Time to Talk and Walk
Time to Talk and Walk event has been organised for 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm on Thursday 3rd February 2022 in the Lisburn Campus and we are encouraging all staff and students to take the time out to help and support each other with their mental health by talking and listening to each other, that ½ hour could not only benefit yourself but also someone who needed your encouragement to talk about mental health.
There will be conversation starter cards to help you get that conversation going.
You are asked to meet at 12.50 pm on Thursday 3rd of February 2022 and then you will proceed to Castle Gardens and will walk in small groups.
Tea Break Quiz on Friday the 4th of February 2022
This month’s Friday Tea Break Quiz on Friday 4 February 2022 at 11.00 am via MS Teams with Enterprise hosting will be themed as Mental Health to coincide with Time to Talk this week. All Staff and students are welcome to play and there will be goodie bags for the top three players.
To take part at 11.00 am click here
Access on your phone the information services available:
SERC’s health and wellbeing information providers can be accessed via the Mind Yourself App in the App Centreclick here
The App can also be accessed via your mobile phone on the SERC website, go to the staff intranet and go to the App Centre and look for the symbol and go to the Healthy Minds Section on the App. For quicker access save the App as a favourite in your mobile phone on SharePoint or bookmark in your web browser.
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