Time To Talk Day - Time To Change Virtual Festival (Thursday)
0 min read
01 February 2021

Time to Change is holding a Virtual Festival on Time to Talk Day on the 4th February 2021 via YouTube and there is no need to register, just click here to access YouTube Channel.
Cooking lunch with Sean: Time to Change Champion Sean will be sharing a recipe for a tasty chicken lunch. Either cook alongside him or just watch and listen as he talks about healthy cooking and the importance of talking about mental health.
Lunch and Learn: Time to Change has worked with more than 1,500 employers over the years to improve attitudes to mental health in the workplace. Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, will host a conversation between Darea Flanagan from E.ON and Jessica Badley from Blood Cancer UK to find out about the small changes that make a big difference in the workplace when it comes to talking more openly about mental health.
Fontanna’s Laughter Yoga: Time to Change Champion Fontanna takes you through a series of exercises that will make you laugh. Fontanna will also talk about their experience of being a Champion.
Ridhima's Bollywood Dance: Learn some new moves as Time to Change Champion Ridhima teaches you some key steps. Ridhima regularly uses Bollywood dance as a way of encouraging people to talk about mental health.
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