Time To Talk Day - 1 to 1 Self Care Sessions
0 min read
01 February 2021

Have you ever felt, if I had just ½ an hour for someone to have a chat with for about my own wellbeing? Then why not on Time to Talk day avail of 30 minutes for Care and Support Space for yourself with 1 to 1 sessions which has been set up for staff to avail off. This is an opportunity for a confidential space for your own self-care through a coaching conversation to focus on your own health, wellbeing and wellness.
The session will take place via MS teams with Elizabeth Johnston who is a trained Counsellor who also undertakes PTL work for SERC. Places are limited on the 4th of February 2021 and they will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. If you are not allocated an appointment on this date you may be contacted and offered an alternative date depending on the demand. To register your interest please email in confidence to mindyourself@serc.ac.uk
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